Wexford House Prices up by 12.4%


Wexford House Prices up by 12.4%

According to myhome.ie property report Wexford is playing catchup , in the latest report documented in the final quarter of 2015 house prices in Wexford have had a noted increase in values  ; An average 2 Bed Apartment rose to €79,000 ,An Average 3 Bedroomed semi-detached property rose to  €125,000 ,An Average 4 bed semi-detached property rose to €139,950.

We have been steadily increasing in values and all signs of positivity indicate a further 5% gain in 2016. A lack of new house building persists across Wexford along with a shortage of second properties  coming to the market  this together with ability to acquire mortgages is pushing prices up.

We at Paula Treacy Estates desperately need all sorts of properties for disappointed cash buyers and mortgage approved buyers, if you are thinking of selling please contact us 053-9242140, info@paulatreacy.ie